Удосконалення методів оптимізації режимів роботи багатониткових газотранспортних систе
optimization, modes, multithread gas-transport systems, genetic algorithms, criterion.Abstract
The article deals with the analysis and methods improvement of the mode optimization of multithread gastransport systems operation. The possible versions of putting the tasks of optimization with different criteria and the methods of their solving have been analysed. Onecriterion, compromised, multicriterion and stachostatic tasks are considered. The ways of their solving are classified. It has been determined that methods stability and global extremum finding out are the main problems. Overcoming these problems is possible with the help of genetic algorithms. The numeral method of random search of extremum using genetic algorithm has been offered. Further research will be directed to the improvement of the way of selecting initial chromosomes, operations of mutation and crossing-over.
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