Прогнозування ресурсу насосних штанг за швидкістю росту тріщин в докритичному періоді


  • Б. В. Копей
  • І. І. Стеліга
  • В. Б. Копей




Pumping oil with the help rod pump sucker rods are often damage and this damage greatly influences oil industry enterprise. That’s why development of method as for assessment of sucker rod fatigue life on the base of modern of achievement in the field of mechanical damage, theory of reliability has actual meaning. The authors of this article make an accent to the research of the crack growth in precritical state and to the determination of the value residual of sucker rod fatigue life. Taking into consideration calculation of sucker rods with the Æ22 we make the conclusion that with the help of the method of individual prediction of sucker rods we can determine exactly probability of column sucker rods refusal and this fact is of great importance while making defectoscopy of sucker rods


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How to Cite

Копей, Б. В., Стеліга, І. І., & Копей, В. Б. (2008). Прогнозування ресурсу насосних штанг за швидкістю росту тріщин в докритичному періоді. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (1(17), 64–68. Retrieved from https://nv.nung.edu.ua/index.php/nv/article/view/87




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