Особливості кореляції продуктивних горизонтів Дніпровсько-Донецької западини у відкладах з трансгресивним характером осадонакопичення
well, breeds-collectors, adjournment, transgression, regression, cycle.Abstract
Taking into account the fact that geological sectious within oil and gas fields of Ukraine are too complex, there is a necessity of introducing new modern technologies into interpretation systems of well logging data processing. In this connection, the authors represent a new methodological approach of carrying out geological and geophysical surveys of bore-hole accounting forpeculiarities of their lithologic-and-stratigraphical composition and tectonic framework. For the first time it has been suggested and with arguments introduced into practice of geological and geophysical investigatious such notion as «Lithophysical strata» application of which enables us to actually define lithological and stratigraphical boundaries in sectious of complex structures.
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