The determination of the pressure, temperature and velocity distribution of the gas-liquid mixture along the borehole of the oil well during its operation with a sucker-rod pump
oil well, water-oil mixture, gas-water-oil mixture, bottomhole pressure, reservoir temperature.Abstract
In order to define if it is possible to ensure the simultaneous use of a well sucker-rod pump, driven by a sucker
rod pumping unit and a jet device (pump, ejector), on the basis of the hypothetical oil well the pressure and temperature
profiles along the wellbore from the bottom to its head were determined. The well-known PoettmanCarpenter
and Baksendel techniques were applied. Besides, calculations on velocity of gas-water-oil and water-oil
mixtures applying an algorithm of determining the ideal density of gas-liquid mixture were performed for several
cross sections along the height of the tubing string at different rotary angles of the sucker rod pumping unit bell
crank. The flowing level in the well, the pump lowering depth below the flowing level and the average gas temperature
in the annular space were determined by the standard curve of the pressure profile in the annular space.
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