Contact-pulse interaction of metalpolymer friction pairs of braking devices
braking device, metalopolymer friction pair, discrete elementary contact, pulses, normal force, friction force, shear strength, nanotribology, contact microspots.Abstract
The conditions of the reliable operation of brake devices friction assemblies are considered under the braking
time limitation, average specific load on the interactive surfaces of friction and working superficial temperatures.
The influence of the abovementioned parameters of the dynamic, electrical and thermal factors of pulse character is
shown. The state of the problem and the purpose of work are formulated and it allowed in the future to consider the
follouting questions: the features of shock interaction of heavy-loaded friction assemblies of band shoe brake. The
instantaneous force of friction in the interaction microsections taking into account the shear strength on the spots of
contact by using the base function of the Puasson’s standard law and Dirac pulse; nanotribologic processes in the
estimation of instantaneous forсe of friction in the friction assemblies of brakes. Contact-pulse interaction of metalpolymer
friction pairs of braking devices is considered on macro-, micro- and nanolevel.
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