Mechanisms and consequences of flooding of lubricating oils in transmissions of rod well pumping units
rocking machine; reducer; tribocoupling; lubrication; condensate.Abstract
In ensuring the trouble-free and long-term operation of artificial lift facilities, an important role is played by the condition of lubricants and, in particular, oils. The operating conditions of sucker rod pumping units have their own characteristics - the equipment is operated daily and around the clock, its operation is characterized by temperature drops, humidity, significant and uneven loads, vibrations, high contact pressures, etc. there is a gradual accumulation of water in various forms: dissolved, in the form of an emulsion or in a free state. The presence of water is undoubtedly destructive; it naturally intensifies the aging process of lubricants and accelerates the wear of parts in friction pairs. On the basis of scientific papers, the mechanisms, patterns and consequences of the harmful effects of flooding of lubricating oils are analyzed, taking into account the specifics of the operating conditions of oilfield equipment. The regularities of changes in the state of the properties of oils, depending on the form of the presence of water in the lubricating medium: free, emulsified and dissolved, are separately considered and analyzed. The ways and mechanisms of flooding have been investigated and analyzed, which are conditionally divided into three groups: absorption of atmospheric moisture by oil components, condensation of atmospheric moisture on the inner surfaces of the gearbox and the mirror of the lubricant bath, and direct ingress of water into the gearbox due to technical imperfections and equipment defects. Particular attention is paid to the regularities of atmospheric moisture condensation, as the main path of flooding and the factors affecting the intensity of this process in the industrial operating conditions of the gearboxes of sucker rod pumping units. The main directions of the fight against flooding of both design and technical and organizational nature have been formulated.
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