Моделювання поширення аерозолів у процесі дугового ручного зварювання при реконструкції та будівництві компресорних станцій магістральних газопроводів
modelling, aerosol, welding.Abstract
The brief analysis of the condition of the Ukraine gas-transport system has been conducted. It was shown that building and reconstruction of the compressor stations require high volume of welding operations. Stated are the results of gross harmful substances emission in the process of welding under gas and plasma cutting different materials in building the compressor station «Tarutyne». To remove harmful substances from production floor areas during welding works – the calculations of air exchange were given. Investigated is the process of diffusion the welding aerosol in combination with distribution of heat under the influence of convection air streams inside the compressor station by mathematical modeling. Modeling is conducted using the method of eventual elements in the CONSOL environment with the proper maximum and initial terms.
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