Вплив форми і розміру дефекту на розподіл енергії ультразвукової відбитої хвилі при контролі нафтопромислового обладнання
ultrasound, ultrasonic transducer, wave energy, type of the defect.Abstract
Ensuring high reliability of operation facilities of oil and gas industry is one of the important scientific and practical problem. Ultrasound monitoring is the most common type of non-destructive testing method for oil and gas transportation network. The acute problem is to investigate the parameters of ultrasonic field, which is created by the primary sensor, and its interaction with the defects in the material of the equipment that will enable us to increase the efficiency of its use for nondestructive testing. The purpose of the research is to identify the impact of relative positions of the ultrasonic transducer and the defect on the reflected echo-pulse and the analysis of form and size of the defect by the reflected waves energy distribution. The task of modeling fluctuation of primary sensor has been solved. The experiments have been made for determining the dependence of energy distribution of echo-pulse, reflected from the defect, due to the piezoelectric transducer location and the analysis of obtained data has been made. As a result of conducted researches it was defined that the size and shape of the reflector have an impact on the curves of the reflected energy distribution. A new approach for determining the size of the defect by using the analysis of the obtained curves, where the main characteristic is the distribution of energy depending on the angle between the axis of the transducer and the defect is suggested.
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