Моделювання процесів вертикальної міграції іонів важких металів та осадження їх на карбонатах на прикладі шлаковідвалів Бурштинської ТЕС
geochemical barrier, silicates, heavy metal ions, experimental researches, crust weathering, decomsition.Abstract
The slag from Burshtyn Thermal Power Plant being the test specimen, it was modelled a process of heavy metal ions washing-out from silicate slag and trapping of the carbonate geochemical barrier. Experimental parameters were chosen approximated to the geochemical process of natural crust weathering of residual and infiltration types. The identity of the silicate slag decomposition on the earth surface to the silicate rocks weathering and the formation of crusts by weathering of the residual type are confirmed. This process is accompanied by the original substance decomposition and washing-out of a considerable amount of heavy metal ions in the soils and ground waters. Placing of the geochemical carbonate barrier proves to trap a greater number of heavy metal ions on the surface out of mortars that corresponds to the deposits of infiltration type. Implementation of the method will permit the environmentalists to reduce pollution caused by heavy metal ions more efficiently and cost-effectively.
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