The impact of pumping units stops on the operating mode of the oil-trunk pipeline
unstable hydrodynamic process, of high pressure wave, propagation velocity of pressure wave, pressure wave attenuation, abrupt increase of pressure.Abstract
As a result of theoretical studies there were determined the regularities of pressure change in oil-trunk pipeline
during transitional processes caused by the stops of pumping units. There was performed a mathematical modeling
of unsteady hydrodynamic processes by means of the computer technology applying software complex OLGA7.
There were shown analytical dependences for the attenuation coefficient of the pressure wave in the oil pipeline
when one, two and three consecutively operating pumping units stop as a function of oil flow, flow mode and
kinematic viscosity of oil for a wide range of changes.
There was calculated the theoretical value of an abrupt increase in pressure at the outlet of the previous OPS
in case of the pump stop at the next (in the direction of oil flow) OPS of the oil pipeline.
The analytical dependences were tested by calculating the transitional process caused by the pump unit stop at
one of the intermediate OPS of the domestic oil-trunk pipeline.
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