Operation of oil-products pipelines with use of anti-turbulent additives


  • В. Я. Грудз ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська, 15
  • Р. С. Аль-Данбал ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська, 15


anti-turbulent additive, displacement process, oil pumping station operation


The problem of unsteady flow of oil products through the pipeline during its replacement with anti-turbulent
additives based on the oil pumping station mode of operation at the beginning of the line section was studied. A
mathematical model of the motion process of two liquid media with different hydraulic characteristics through the
pipeline was developed; its implementation allows to predict the nature of the motion of the moving boundaries and
the distribution of oil pressure and flow rate for a non-stationary process of displacement. It was found that the use
of the change of stationary states in the implementation of tasks leads to the error satisfying the accuracy of prediction
modes of engineering calculations. The effect of additives on the efficiency impact of anti-turbulent additives on
oil-products pipeline operation parameters was determined.


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How to Cite

Грудз, В. Я., & Аль-Данбал, Р. С. (2015). Operation of oil-products pipelines with use of anti-turbulent additives. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (2(39), 124–130. Retrieved from https://nv.nung.edu.ua/index.php/nv/article/view/426

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