Kinematic researches of the improved construction of oil exploration equipment


  • С. В. Наслєдніков НГВУ " Полтаванафтогаз" , м.Полтава, вул. Монастирська 12


oil, machine-tool-swing, barbell, booty


In the article the analysed motion of point of barbells and the mathematical model of downhole fluidizer
is worked out determination of laws of motion of her elements on the draught of duty cycle at the step
of suction and festering. Offered calculations, allow to choose the rational modes of her exploitation and
be basis for development of new technological decisions of the dynamic loading sent to the decline


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How to Cite

Наслєдніков, С. В. (2012). Kinematic researches of the improved construction of oil exploration equipment. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (2(32), 149–156. Retrieved from