
  • Н. Н. Азроян ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська,15, тел. (0342) 504761
  • Н. В. Журавель ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська,15, тел. (0342) 504761
  • Т. І. Луцишин ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська,15, тел. (0342) 504761
  • С. А. Непеляк ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська,15, тел. (0342) 504761
  • А. Я. Хомин ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська,15, тел. (0342) 504761
  • C. C. Думенко, ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська,15, тел. (0342) 504761
  • Ю. B. Крикливий ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська,15, тел. (0342) 504761


experimental research, weathering crusts, quartz, silicates, carbonates, silica, migration of solutions, geochemical barrier


There has been modeled the process of sedimentation of monomeric silica from water solutions on the surface of carbonate rocks (limestones and dolomites). The parameters of the experiment are maximally close to the thermodynamic conditions of the near-surface zone of the crust, in particular weathering crusts. Herein are provided the comparative characteristics of the processes for carbonates of different chemical and ranulometric composition and solutions with different initial concentration of monomeric silica and pH. Sedimentation of free silica substances on the surface of carbonates was controlled by every day chemical analysis of the initial solution and filtrate and confirmed by the X-ray structural analysis (was recorded formation of low temperature quartz). There was established that sedimentation of Si02 occurs on the surface of the carbonates of different chemical composition, but there is no certain connection between the intensity of sedimentation process and granulometric composition and pH of the initial solution. The concentration of silica changes from time to time by its return, at the same time these processes do not have certain regularity. The received data for the near-surface zone of the crust will enable to do thermodynamic calculations of silica sedimentation speed on carbonates and rocks with carbonate cement in strata conditions that are located at greater depths under increased pressures and temperatures. 


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How to Cite

Азроян, Н. Н., Журавель, Н. В., Луцишин, Т. І., Непеляк, С. А., Хомин, А. Я., Думенко, C. C., & Крикливий Ю. B. (2012). MODELING OF SILICA SEDIMENTATION ON THE CARBONATE ROCKS. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (3(33), 7–16. Retrieved from

