To problem of welding on the existing gas pipelines. Part I
gas pipeline, arc welding, methane, thermal decomposition, carburization, hydrogen, solubilityAbstract
Types and technological problems of welding of pressurized gas transmission pipelines are described. The influence of various parameters on the forming of weld joint under such conditions is laid out. Approaches and practical recommendations from research organizations regarding save conduction of in-service welding on gas pipelines are given. Concept of thermal decomposition of methane in near-surface layer of weld area is suggested. Potential processes of carburization and hydrogenation of pipe wall metal in weld area are described. Thermodynamic calculations of thermal decomposition of methane are given. Calculation procedure of values of partial pressure of hydrogen at different levels of methane pressure is provided. Diagrams of hydrogen solubility in ferrum at various level of partial pressure of molecular hydrogen in gas mixture are calculated and plotted. General processes of hydrogen embrittlement in tubes steels are considered.
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