Methods of the negative impact reduction of transients caused by stopping of pumps operating regimes of the pipeline


  • С. Я. Григорський ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська,15


unstable hydrodynamic process, a wave of high pressure, velocity of pressure wave propagation, wave attenuation coefficient, abrupt increase of pressure.


The basic methods and technical means to protect oil pipelines from high and low pressure waves were studied. There recommendations on the choice of the operation mode of pipelines in case of the minimum negative impact of transitional processes were proposed. It was established that the underutilization of the pipeline is the choice of appropriate modes of operation, which include the work of one pump for all NPCs or two pumps in one pump HNPS and all intermediate NPCs. To implement the transfer modes with two pumps working in series to the NPC when disconnecting any particular NPC is necessary to reduce the maximum working pressure setpoint CAP by 5 bar. Thus, the capacity of the pipeline is reduced by 3%, and oil flow energy consumption will increase by 2%. According to the results of theoretical and experimental studies of patterns of transients caused by pump stops at two NPCs found that turning off the pump within 80 sec allows no technical means to compensate for the increased pressure wave. 


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How to Cite

Григорський, С. Я. (2014). Methods of the negative impact reduction of transients caused by stopping of pumps operating regimes of the pipeline. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (2(37), 128–140. Retrieved from