Application of formulae of harmonic analysis in computer sciences to increase the reliability of well drill power drive
well drill power drive, Kravchuk’s polynomials, Fourier series, function of jumps, orthogonal polynomials, orthogonal bases, code theory, computer sciences.Abstract
Actuality and prospects of the use of formulae of harmonious analysis is considered in oil and gas industry in connection with complication of geological terms of the modern boring drilling on an oil and gas, increase of depth of the boring drilling of mining holes, presence in the cut of penetrated layers with anomalous high one or lowlayers pressure. Advantages of application of polynomials of M. Ph. Kravchuk in the applied mathematics and computer sciences at treatment and reconstruction of images and also prospect of creation of artificial intelligence
for the increase of reliability of well drill power drive are analyzed in materials of the given article. Description of general chart of receipt of analytical correlations of the special kind is resulted with the use of orthogonal bases. Analytical correlations were got for the great number of basic classic orthogonal polynomials. Actuality of method of analytical informative data definition is shown and the detailed information is resulted about approximation properties of classic orthogonal polynomials and functions of continuous and discrete argument, which allow
describe the results of tests, numerical calculations, given experiments, etc. The study of comparative approximation properties of orthogonal bases from classic ones is caused by the
necessity of receipt of the set exactness of analytical description of digital signals. It allows effectively decide the tasks of recognition of objects, and also is instrumental in the successful decision of reverse tasks. The theory of classic orthogonal bases is generalization of theory of Fourier series at algebra polynomials. Their main feature consists, in that in most formulae, which set concrete bases, there are parameters the change of which can notably change properties of orthogonal polynomials and gravimetric functions, which form a concrete orthogonal base.
The last circumstance is especially important in the tasks of optimum analytical approximation, when the set exactness must be provided with the shortest segment of orthogonal series.
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