Involute spur gear of the greatest contact resistance
involute spur gear, gear cutter shifting coefficients for gear wheels, unit pressure factor, surface stresses.Abstract
The analytical formula for unit pressure factor was obtained for the general position of the contact point
between the claws of the involute spur gear. An algorithm was designed to determine the unit pressure factor and
the surface stresses value. Herewith the gear cutter shifting coefficients for gear wheels are selected so that the
claws thickness in the circles of peaks would be no less than 0,4 on the magnitude of the transmission module, the
profile contact ratio would not be less than 1,2 and there would be no meshing interference. According to the
developed algorithm we created a computer program and received the optimal shifting coefficients that provide the
irreducible values of unit pressure factor and surface stresses. The surface stresses in such a gear are compared
with the appropriate surface stresses formed by the zero gear wheels.
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