Experimental verification of а finite-element model of contact interaction between а cut shell and an elastic body


  • А. С. Величкович ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська,15
  • Т. М. Даляк Івано-Франківський сектор Інституту прикладних проблем механіки і математики ім. Я. С. Підстригача НАН України, 76002, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Микитинецька, 3, тел.(050) 8661041


cylindrical shell, cut, elastic body, finite-element model.


The description of the process of verification of finite-element model of contact interaction of a cylindrical
shell with a cut and an elastic body is presented. The adequacy of the constructed model is provided by comparing
the results of finite-element analysis with the results of field experiments. The main parameters for comparison were
chosen such as radial and axial displacement of the shell, annular tension on the surface membrane and draft-load
dependence. Identification procedure of calculation and experimental data is illustrated by several typical
examples. The main preconditions for successful use of standard finite element schemes are specified. The finiteelement
partitioning of structural elements is constructed with the justification of item type choice. Attention is paid
to a solution of contact problems’ numerical methods in engineering design practice features. With the use of iterative
algorithms of contact problems’ solution the distribution of stresses and displacements filler and shell is
obtained, the graphical comparative analysis of numerical results and experimental data is given by some points. As
a result of the studies the finite-element model of a cylindrical shell contact interaction with a cut and an elastic
body, that is suitable for analyzing the stress-strain state and study the performance of several designs of elastic
elements of drilling vibration protection, is obtained.


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How to Cite

Величкович, А. С., & Даляк, Т. М. (2018). Experimental verification of а finite-element model of contact interaction between а cut shell and an elastic body. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (1(31), 88–95. Retrieved from https://nv.nung.edu.ua/index.php/nv/article/view/51

