modernization, reconstruction, pipelines, underground storage, gas transportation system.Abstract
The Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS) has many advantages as a transit partner. However, its technical condition and operational efficiency do not answer to the modern requirements. The aggregates, built in the 60-70-ies of the previous century, belong to the second and third generations and are morally and physically obsolete being inferior to the global quality level. According to the study of the GTS various components’ parameters, the primary reconstruction is to be provided for the pipeline "Soyuz" compressor shops, equipped with the GTS-10 and the gas pipeline "Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod" compressor shops, equipped with the GTS-25. It should also be noted that the essential technological element of Ukraine's GTS is a network of underground gas storage, that is why in the course of modernization the underground storages’ condition should be thoroughly analyzed with specifying issues that were not resolved during their construction and appeared during operation for further appropriate measure taking.
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