The corrosion protection of oil pipeline inner surface by determining the optimal rate of oil and oil product delivery in main pipelines
water accumulation, remote speed, up-going section, pipeline section inclination, water dropletAbstract
During operation of main pipelines, the wall friction rises due to paraffin deposits (oil pipelines), water and
condensate accumulation, formation of hydrocarbon gas hydrates (gas pipelines). To reduce the wall friction, the
pipeline inner cavity is regularly cleaned by means of special scraping tools or splitters.
The objective of the study is to develop optimization methods for the delivery of oil and oil products within the
complex technoloical activities aimed at the pipeline inner surface corrosion protection.
The following solutions will make it possible:
1. To develop a mathematical model of the processes ensuring elimination of the formation conditions of
corrosion initiation.
2. To develop the computing method of the optimal parameters of oil and oil products delivery through pipelines
to eleiminate the formation conditions of corrosion initiation by periodic dispersion of corrosion-active
aqueous phase flowing along the pipeline bottom.
The object of research is the process of associated water dispersion in oil mixture flow in the pipeline.
In the process of problem solving, the comprehensive approach was applied, including: data analysis and integration
concerning operation of industrial and main oil pipelines, emergency and failure cause analysis,
approaches and methods of similarity theory, experimental design and processing of experimental data were applied.
The scientific novelty of the study consists in determination of objective laws referring to the dispersion
process of formation water in oil mixture flow and establishment of relations to calculate the optimal flow rate in
the pipeline and determination of the optimal inclination angle of the pipeline.
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