The effect of nitrogen-containing fused heterocycles on corrosion processes of underground metal constructions


  • М. С. Полутренко ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська, 15


mastic, coatings, biocorrosion, condensed heterocycles


A set of studies was conducted on the effect of nitrogen-containing condensed heterocyclic (dioxidecahydroacridine
derivatives) on the corrosion processes of underground metal constructions in the presence of
sulfate-reducing bacteria. The effect of SRВ on the intensification rate of corrosion processes was experimentally
established. High level of biocorrosion process blocking (more than 94%) under the influence of SRВ, were
developed by inhibitor 3/0 (94.3%) and inhibitor 1/0 (87.1%), which opens up the prospect of using them for
modeling compositions of polyfunctional inhibiting systems, where each of the inhibitors will perform its strategic
role. The theoretical estimation was presented as for biological resistance of condensed nitrogen-containing heterocycles,
based on the values of the chemical bond tensile energy among carbon atoms of the phenolic nucleus and
atoms of modifying elements. The biological stability of bitumen-polymer insulating cements modified with corrosion
inhibitors 3/0, 6/0, 7/0 to the action of hydrocarbon (DRR) and denitrifying (DNB) bacteria was established.
The modification by these biocides of bitumen-polymer mastics will make it possible to produce protective insulating
coatings, resistant to the destructive effect of DRR and DNB bacteria


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How to Cite

Полутренко, М. С. (2014). The effect of nitrogen-containing fused heterocycles on corrosion processes of underground metal constructions. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (1(36), 81–85. Retrieved from

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