To problem of welding works on operating gas pipelines. Part II
gas pipeline, in-service welding, hydrogen, hydrogenation, carburization, mathematical model.Abstract
Processes of hydrogenation and carburization of metal that may take place at thermal decomposition of
methane on pipe's heated inner surface during in-service welding of gas pipelines are described.
Based on processes of hydrogen dissolving in metal, initiation and development of cracks in pipe steels, a
mathematical model of hydrogen diffusion into the metal in case of hydrogen trapping was developed. Solution of
the problem was analyzed. Equations for estimating the amount of hydrogen that is excluded from diffusion process
as well as the total amount (experimentally measurable) of hydrogen in metal were derived. Kinetics of of metal
saturation with hydrogen was analyzed.
Conditions for metal carburization during thermal decomposition of methane nearby pipe's heated inner
surface are explained. Experimental results of bench tests are provided and analysis of carburization process was
given. Practical hints and conclusions were made.
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