Primary complex of geological exploration for shale gas in Volyn-Podillia at the initial stage of study
shales, gas, Volyn-Podillia, formations, seismic exploration 2D.Abstract
Features of structural conditions of occurrence, gas accumulation, lithologic-and-facies, petrophysical and
geochemical parameters, shielding factor, character-bearing shale gas saturation are fundamentally different from
traditional gas deposits. Stratigraphic shale formation is considered as a potential gas deposit. Considering this
specificity, its allocation and mapping shall be executed at an early stage. To delineate gas bearing shale formations
of Volyn-Podillia and allocation the most perspective areas the complexation of regional seismic survey 2D
for great depths was offered (two longitudinal profiles of north-western stretch as it continued from the Lublin basin
in Poland and 5 transversal sections from southwest to the northeast with its total length of about 1500 linear
kilometers) using electric prospecting methods of different modifications, induced polarization, electromagnetic
methods of regional seismic exploration grids profiles, large-scale atmogeochemical shooting and other direct
methods. As the completion of regional stage shall be drilling of vertical parametric pilot wells with solid coring
from perspective shale strata, laboratory studies of organic matter, catagenesis, lithologic-and-facies and mineralogical
composition of shales, their petrophysical and geochemical properties, modeling and testing perspective
shale strata using multistage hydrofracs. Prospects of further exploration and it’s complex based on the geologiceconomic
evaluation results of perspective of oil and gas occurence of the region and obtaining results of the initial
phase works.
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