vector displacement, waveguide, the wave field criterion, eigenvalues, tensor rigidity, degree excitability of modeAbstract
Two-dimensional semi-analytical method of finite elements has been improved which is aimed at the possibility of conducting the analysis of guided ultrasonic waves propagation within the wall of the main pipelines in the direction of generating tube. The mathematical model based on a modal approach describing the vibrations of an elastiс medium. The mathematical model was presented in the form of the characteristic equation which is calculated by the finite element method. The results of calculation and distribution of displacement field of individual modes was presented. To compare the results of the calculation the dispersion curves of wavenumber and wavelength of Lamb modes were presented, that had been computed on the base on the well-known equations. As follows from the conducted analysis of the research it was determined that the methods of semi-analytical calculations of the acoustic guided waves parameters have such restrictions as long time of computation, complexity of algorithms and interpretation of results. The proposed method can analyse the distribution of guided waves in three-dimensional space by analysing the cross-section of the waveguide, which significantly reduces the computer resources for calculation. As a result of calculations it has been revealed that: a) the application of periodic boundary conditions can reduce the number of finite elements simulating the wavelength cross-section to some elements without loosing the accuracy of calculations, b) with decreasing the size of the finite element the accuracy of problem in order to find the roots of the eigenvalues increases, however the beginning their search is shifted to larger values of wave number. Introduced notion of a criterion of mode practical usefulness simplifies the results analysis of parameters calculation for guided waves modes propagation.
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