Experimental studies of nonoriented assemblies of the drill string bottomhole on mechanical models
drill string, design, force axis, resistance, wellAbstract
The article deals with the important issues of technical and economic parameters enhancement of oil and gas
well drilling by improving technology, scientific and methodological bases for their experimental study. For performance
of experimental studies of nonoriented assembly of the drill string bottomhole, the design of the laboratory
experimental bench has been offered. Due to space-saving overall dimensions and experimentation simplicity, the
designed experimental bench makes it possible to study one-pillar, two-pillar and unsupported drill string bottomhole
nonoriented assemblies of all dimension types and designs that can be used in laboratory conditions for various
well profiles.
A method of determining the reduced (averaged) values of one running meter weight and one dimensionless
unit length for multiple-unit designs of the drill string bottomhole nonoriented assemblies, irrespective of the quantity
and length of the drill string bottomhole areas. On the basis of experimental results, the actual values of static
characteristics of the bottom hole nonoriented assembly element interaction with of elements with the borehole bottom
and hole walls have been determined. The method has been developed, which makes it possible to convert drill
string model experimental study results to real designs of full-scale assemblies. The method takes account of length,
weight and stiffness of such elements of the drill string bottomhole as bottomhole motor shafts, small areas of heavyweight
drill pipe.
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