oil and gas object, well drilling, intelligible system, expert system, database, knowledgebase, rules, decision taking, optimizationAbstract
The intelligible system implementation in the process of drilling oil and gas wells allows us to optimize the well construction by applying the criterion of decreasing expenditures and minimizing the probability of the contingency situation occurrence and increasing the final flow rate of the well.
This approach includes the planning of the well construction before drilling, the modification during drilling as well as the design and optimization of parameters which have a direct influence on the drilling efficiency, namely the drilling mud properties, the bit selection and the other relevant technological operations. Thus, the intelligible system application in oil and gas well drilling allows solving effectively the following
tasks: to decrease the level of drilling bit wear, to reduce the number of tripping operation needed for the replacement of worn bits, to increase the life time of the bit, to increase the drilling rate, to enhance the control over the well bore direction, to decrease the vibration of drill string and to reduce the possible number and frequency of downhole equipment failure, to decrease the loses of circulation of the drilling fluid and to decrease the time necessary for solving the contingency situation related to circulation loses, time diminishing needed for fishing operations, to reduce the frequency of striking the pipe, to reduce the time needed for solving the problem of hole sloughing and drill string twist off .
The expected operation can be provided in the way of constructing the intelligible system basing on the hierarchy
of databases and knowledgebases about oil and gas objects by using crisp and fuzzy rules for logical inference
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