Development and analysis of field research model of gas drying process due to the devices operational conditions


  • А. Н. Гурбанов НИПИ «Нефтегаз», AZ1012, г. Баку, ул. Г. Зардаби, 88а; тел: 373 53 93
  • А. Я. Джомардов НИПИ «Нефтегаз», AZ1012, г. Баку, ул. Г. Зардаби, 88а; тел: 373 53 93


mass exchange, formation of hydrates, polypropylene glycol, experiment, natural gas.


According to the results of conducted experiments for current devices in the gas-drying process the methodology
of modeling certain process has been developed.
Aimed to complex studying influence of the main physical characteristics on the gas-drying process special
field researches were carried out by Oil and Gas Production Department "Hum Adasy" using designing multifactor
experiment. Based on experimental data the regression model of gas-drying was obtained which allows to calculate
the dew point temperature using previously processed gas and gas consumption as well by means of contact temperature.
The model of forming hydrates has been developed while raw gas flowing in the channels which is based on
the hydrodynamics equations and heat exchange in the axisymmetrical arrangement. The accounting of twodimension
effects of hydrates formation enables to give the precise beginning of hydrates formation in the pipe lines.
The evaluation methodology of condensed phase precipitation in natural gas transmission which uses the results
of joint numerical solutions of the equations for gas and condensed phases in two dimensional arrangements.
Particles trajectory in technological equipment indicated the possibility of abrasive wear of elements being in the
stream or in intensive sticking and accumulation of the condensed phase.


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How to Cite

Гурбанов, А. Н., & Джомардов, А. Я. (2013). Development and analysis of field research model of gas drying process due to the devices operational conditions. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (1(34), 156–162. Retrieved from