Environmental aspects of production and application of lubricating additives to drilling fluids
lubricating additives, drilling fluids, influence on the environment.Abstract
Nowadays lubricating additives belong to the important agents for drilling wells. Quantity and quality
composition of the lubricating additives for drilling fluids varies a lot. Most of them appear to be environmental
hazard resulted in their xenobiotic origin (unfriendly for biosphere), toxicity level, biological ability to decompose
and inefficiency of bio cumulation. The degree of their impact on the environment is determined by three main
factors: blend composition, conditions and rules of operation. Various types of lubricating additives as well as the
ratio of their impact on the environment have been analyzed. The methods of factors evaluation of harmful and
negative influence were considered. The estimation of perspectiveness for obtaining lubricating additives from
environmentally-friendly raw materials of vegetable and animal origin including new additives Bur val-1C and
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