Improvement of methodology in the study of rocks permeability in the conditions of gas molecules slippage
rock, gas permeability, fluid permeability, Klinkenberg's effect.Abstract
In the article the research results in the study of the reservoir rocks and caprocks filtration properties have
been summarized and highlighted other problems arising meanwhile. The method for determining the correction for
gas slippage effect (Klinkenberg's effect) was described.
The nomograms for determining absolute gas and fluid permeability of reservoir rocks and сaprocks with the
correction on the gas molecules slippage (Klinkenberg's) were offered for single measurements of current gas
permeability at any medium pressure. The issue about conditions and boundary of the modes transition from Klinkenberg's effect (with the gas
molecules slippage) to Knudsenivsk's one (molecular). The relation of absolute gas permeability (К р pr) and current (apparent) value of permeability (Kpr) for conditions of significant but not very deep vacuum was calculated. Due to the results of calculations the graph was plotted using apparent corrections for reservoir rocks with absolute gas
permeability within the range of (0.01 – 1000) mkm2⋅10-3
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