Impact assessment of the geological structure on the seismic wave field
oil and gas, full-wave modeling, synthetic seismic data, attribute analysis, geological and geophysical modelingAbstract
Aimed to solve the problem of a priory geological and geophysical model verification formed in the result of
seismic data and well logging data interpretation the methodology is offered directed to evening out the technological
progress gaps, first of all at the edge of data processing and interpretation. The issues are considered concerning
the enhancing the reliability of geological and geophysical interpretation of complex-built fields in solving the
tasks of hydrocarbons search. The developed methodology foresees the creation of a set of synthetical seismic data
based on the geological and geophysical models of different levels of complexity and their further study using the
means of attribute analysis. The main results have been presented obtained during the experimental researches at
the real object. The lithological and structural features influence of oil and gads bearing rocks of Maikop series of
Subbotin field in Prekerchinsk shelf of the Black Sea on the seismic-wave field has been researched. The obtained
materials will allow to establish the relationship between real and synthetic seismic data in order to clarify the interpretation
model of the environment.
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