Inequality of pipes. Calculation of additional tensions from the internal pressure
pipe, inequality, tensionAbstract
The lacks of existing in standards procedures of determination of change of form of transversal cut
of pipes come into question in the article. Offered effective methods of roughing-out of data that in
particular take into account a presence all three types of rejection of form from ideal. Practical formulas
are given for determination of additional bending tensions from the defects of form as a result of action of
intrinsic pressure.
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12. Ориняк І.В, Лохман І.В., Богдан А.В. Використання моделі кільця для аналізу напружень в
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13. Orynyak I.V., Yakovleva Ye.S. Application of the crack compliance method to long axial cracks
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2. ДСТУ-Н Б В.2.3-21:2008 Магістральні трубопроводи. Настанова. Визначення залишкової
міцності магістральних трубопроводів з дефектами. Мінрегіонбуд. 2008. 68с.
3. СНиП 2.05.06-85. Магистральные трубопроводы. Строительные нормы и правила. – М.:
ЦИТП Госстроя СССР, 1985. – 52 с.
4. Орыняк И.В., Богдан А.В., Бородий М.В., Розгонюк В.В., Билык С.Ф. Использование
категоризации напряжений и деформационных критериев при оценке прочности магистральных
трубопроводов // Экотехнологии и ресурсосбережение, 2007, №4. с. 12-23.
5. Красовський А.Я., Лохман И.В., Ориняк И.В. Стресс-коррозионные разрушения
магистральных трубопроводов //Проблемы прочности. - №1, 2012.
6. Zheng W., Sutherby R., Revie R.W., Tyson W.R. and Shen G. Stress corrosion cracking of linepipe
steels in near-neutral pH environment: a review of effects of stress // Envirpmentally assisted cracking: predictive methods for risk assessment and evaluation of materials, equipment and structures, ASTM STP
1401, R.D. Kane, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.
7. Cerny I , Linhart V. An evaluation of the resistance of pipeline steels to initiation and early growth
of stress corrosion cracks Engineering Fracture Mechanics 71 (2004) 913–921.
8. Lu B.T., Luo J.L., Norton P.R. Environmentally assisted cracking mechanism of pipeline steel in
near-neutral pH groundwater //Corrosion Science 52 (2010) 1787–1795.
9. Guidelines - Shell Boilers - Guidelines for the examination of longitudinal seams of shell boilers//
The safety assessment federation SBG 2.
10. API Spec. 5L «Технические условия на трубы для трубопроводов». Издание сорок третье,
март 2004 г. Дата введения: 4 октября 2004 г, 168c.
11. Orynyak I.V., Lokhman I.V. The spring splines procedure with prescribed accuracy for
determination of the curvatures of the pipeline based on the 3-D measurements of its position // Rio
Pipeline Conference & Exposition 2011, IBP1029_11.
12. Ориняк І.В, Лохман І.В., Богдан А.В. Використання моделі кільця для аналізу напружень в
трубопроводах з дефектами форми// Машинознавство.
13. Orynyak I.V., Yakovleva Ye.S. Application of the crack compliance method to long axial cracks
in pipes with allowance for geometrical nonlinearity and shape imperfections (dents) // Engng. Fract.
Mech., 2008, V.75, N14, p.4052-4065.
How to Cite
Ориняк, І. В., Лохман, І. В., Стипура, В. В., Богдан, А. В., & Охрімчук, С. О. (2012). Inequality of pipes. Calculation of additional tensions from the internal pressure. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (2(32), 175–185. Retrieved from
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