Exploiting design of gas weld with hydro-sulfur contaminants


  • Т. А. Мартинюк ІФНТУНГ, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська, 15; тел. (380) 03422 4-21-57
  • О. Т. Чернова ІФНТУНГ, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська, 15; тел. (380) 03422 4-21-57


sulphuretted hydrogen gas, sulphuretted hydrogen corrosion, Lokachynsk gas deposit


An economic situation in our state requires the use of power mediums, in particular natural gas that
is contained in the small deposits of Ukraine. Therefore development of small deposits is attributed to one
of primary concerns of present time. But gas of row of small deposits of Ukraine contains sulphuretted
hydrogen admixtures. It predetermines the necessity of providing of defence of mining hole and especially
superficial equipment from sulphuretted hydrogen corrosion. In addition, problematic enough is the use
of the obtained gas, in fact his incineration results in formation of sulphureous admixtures in an
atmosphere and ecological security of region breach. Creation of the system of cleaning of the obtained
gas from a sulphuretted hydrogen admixture causes the increase of and without that high prime price of
the obtained gas. Except that, presence of the system of the gas cleaning from does not take off the
problem of processing to the sulphuretted hydrogen the sulphuretted hydrogen. On large deposits it is
expedient to obtain sulphur from him, that in the cases of small deposits is unprofitable.An economic
situation in our state requires the use of power mediums, in particular natural gas that is contained in the
small deposits of Ukraine. Therefore development of small deposits is attributed to one of primary


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How to Cite

Мартинюк, Т. А., & Чернова, О. Т. (2012). Exploiting design of gas weld with hydro-sulfur contaminants. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (2(32), 123–128. Retrieved from https://nv.nung.edu.ua/index.php/nv/article/view/151