Determination of "GTN-6" Gas turbine installations power and "N-6-56-2" compressors operating parameters using PC application and torsional type supplied power meter


  • О. Д. Іванов УМГ «Донбастрансгаз», Первомайське ЛВУМГ, КС-12/2 «Борова»


Compressor station, gas-transfer aggregate, program to determine the parameters of the indirect, gas-dynamic characteristics of, torsional tipe meter of supplied power, primary converter, microcontroller, analysis of strength


This paper contains information about using the application, as well as power meter for
determination in direct parameters of GTA (power, efficiency, productivity ...). The accuracy of
determining the parameters of GTA (gas-transfer aggregate) has a special meaning, as in a
GTA optimization and for change-over GTA in complete renovation, thereby affecting the economic
efficiency of the compressor stations. The proposed application and the power meter both provide
rather accumulation rather massive forecasting information about technical state of GTA, rapid analysis
of the effectiveness of GTA in different modes, optimization working of GTA. As a consequence, there
are provided reduction of gas consumption for GTA needs, reduction cost of GTA maintenance,
reconstruction and attendance.


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How to Cite

Іванов, О. Д. (2012). Determination of "GTN-6" Gas turbine installations power and "N-6-56-2" compressors operating parameters using PC application and torsional type supplied power meter. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (2(32), 60–66. Retrieved from