Ecological studies of morbidity level in Kalush industrial region
population morbidity, environmental factors, algorithm, monitoring, environmental maps, correlation.Abstract
The classification and structure of environmentally related diseases. Was held methods for environmental
studies for determination of the level of morbidity in the Kalush region in its administrative borders. Were created
13 districts, which are characterized by different levels of disease and pollution. The distinction of environment
states and morbidity in Kalush industrial region were analyzed. A map-scheme of geo-ecological research sites for
the distinction of certain areas of the region was created. Methods of sampling soil, water, air of some individual
and areas identification of chemical elements were improved. Were allocated methods of medical and
environmental studies to determine the incidence, namely the empirical (observation, measurement, comparison) as
well as empirical and theoretical (abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy, modeling)
were offered. An algorithm for medical and environmental assessment of the impact of harmful factors on public
health was elaborated. The degree of concretion and credibility of influence of environmental factors on people is
health was discovered.
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