
  • M. L. Shulyak Сумський національний аграрний університет; 40000, м. Суми, вул. Герасима Кондратьєва, 160
  • N. V. Tarelnyk



electro-spark alloying, abrasive wear, roughness, surface plastic deformation.


This paper analyzes modern technologies for improving the surface layer parameters of critical equipment parts. It is emphasized that today one of the most popular methods for improving the quality of part surfaces is electric spark alloying (ESA). It is especially effective when using special technological saturating media (STSM). Owing to the availability of the STSMs, there has been developed a technology for nanostructuring the surface layers of the parts by the ESA method. The aim of the work was to improve the technology of increasing the of parts surfaces quality parameters by analyzing the effect of nanostructuring by the ESA method and SPD treatment of surface layers on the strength and plasticity parameters of steel and cast iron parts of high-responsibility equipment. Thus, based on the results of the experimental studies, it has been found that nanostructuring by the ESA method increases the tensile strength and yield strength as compared to the conventional ESA methods. Among the STSMs, the best results in terms of increasing the tensile strength and yield strength have been obtained with the use of single-walled carbon nanotubes Tuball Ocsial (0.01 % by weight) in epoxy resin Epoxy 510 without a hardener. Because of the ESA process with and without the STSMs, the tensile strength and yield strength decrease, and the relative elongation and contraction increase. When using subsequent non-abrasive ultrasonic finishing after nanostructuring by the ESA method, as compared to the samples without such a treatment, the tensile strength and yield strength increase, and the relative elongation and contraction decrease. With an increase in the discharge energy, the roughness of the surface layer increases, and the continuity decreases. If using non-abrasive ultrasonic finishing, the roughness of the surface layer decreases, and the continuity increases.


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How to Cite

Shulyak, M. L., & Tarelnyk, N. V. (2024). INFLUENCE OF NANOSTRUCTURED ELECTRO-SPARK COATINGS ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SURFACE LAYERS OF HIGH-RESPONSIBILITY EQUIPMENT PARTS. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (1(56), 15–24.