Research of ring adsorbers




Greenhouse gases, in particular carbon dioxide, affect the climate and lead to an increase in air temperature. One of the sources that produces emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is the production of cement – the most common building material. Today, various technologies are used to capture carbon dioxide, which are usually complex and expensive (for example, gas separation using membranes). The article proposes to use the adsorption process for capturing carbon dioxide and considers an adsorber, which, compared to other types, has the following advantages: higher productivity, smaller overall dimensions, higher efficiency. In order to study the characteristics of the ring adsorber, a three-dimensional model was built and a simulation of its operation was carried out, taking into account the composition of the gas mixture, its thermodynamic parameters, productivity and porosity of the adsorbent. A feature of the simulation is that the adsorber sector is used to speed up the calculation, since its design is axisymmetric. To increase the accuracy of simulation results, the mesh of finite elements is optimized. It was established that with such an adsorber design, the gas flow rate distribution in the adsorbent layer is uneven. The gas flow has the fastest speed at the adsorbent's entrance and exit, and the speed is most uniform in the middle of the adsorbent layer, even with varying porosity. It has been demonstrated that as the porosity of the adsorbent decreases, the rate of gas flow increases. In future research, the design of the ring adsorber will be optimized using simulation modeling, taking into account the adsorbent size, the flow rate and composition of the gas stream, and its thermodynamic properties.


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How to Cite

Mykhailiuk, V. V. (2023). Research of ring adsorbers. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (2(55), 40–46.