
  • 1 Сумський національний аграрний університет; 40000, м. Суми, вул. Герасима Кондратьєва, 160;
  • N. V. Tarelnyk Сумський національний аграрний університет; 40000, м. Суми, вул. Герасима Кондратьєва, 160;
  • O. O. Vasylenko Сумський національний аграрний університет; 40000, м. Суми, вул. Герасима Кондратьєва, 160;
  • O. Ye. Bilyi Сумський національний аграрний університет; 40000, м. Суми, вул. Герасима Кондратьєва, 160;



pump unit, bearing, shaft, magnetofluid seal, magnetic fluid, reliability, operability, wear resis- tance, sedimentation stability, permanent magnet, surfactant.


Magneto-fluid seals (MFS) are widely used in thermal and nuclear power plants. This is due to the combination of a fluid properties variety and magnetic substances in one material. The main advantages of MFS and magnetic fluids were analyzed. Due to severe conditions of operation of MFS in equipment, the value of the working gap of the sealer can significantly increase due to wear and tear of technological equipment. In this regard, an important factor in ensuring high reliability and operability of MFS is the colloidal stability and sedimentation stability of the magnetic fluid. The existing methods of determining these parameters require expensive highly specialized instrumentation. Typically, such instruments are not available at enterprises.

This work aims to develop a relatively simple and easy-to-implement enterprise method of studying dynamic processes and sedimentation stability of magnetic liquid in a non-homogeneous magnetic field under conditions close to those occurring in the active zone of the MFLs used in practice. This method is based on a patented method of measuring the magnetic force acting on a sample filled with magnetic fluid and placed in an inhomogeneous magnetic field, as well as measuring the dynamics of changes in time of this force using high-precision electronic scales.

In this work, a relatively simple method of express analysis of the dynamic characteristics of magnetic fluid located in an inhomogeneous magnetic field and conditions close to those realized in the active zone of a rotating shaft seal is proposed and implemented in an experimental setup. This method is based on the force effect of an inhomogeneous magnetic field on magnetic nanoparticles in the liquid. Based on the obtained experimental data and experience of operation of the MFS, it can be stated that magnetic fluid will possess sedimentation stability, the change in magnetic force for which within 10-15 min will not exceed 3%. The validity of the results was experimentally verified for magnetic fluids on different dispersion bases, at different nanoparticle sizes and applied surfactants. The proposed method is relatively simple and can be implemented at a company operating magnetofluid seals to analyze the characteristics of magnetic fluid before filling into the seal.


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How to Cite

1, Tarelnyk, N. V., Vasylenko, O. O., & Bilyi, O. Y. (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF THE QUALITY OF THE MAGNETIC FLUID ON THE OPERATION OF MAGNETO-FLUID SEALERS. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (2(55), 7–15.