
  • I. B. Kopei Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019



anti-turbulent additive, displacement process, oil pumping station operation


In the mechanised method of oil production, the most common are rod downhole pump installations, which use rocking machines as a ground drive, and a column of pump rods as a flexible link connecting the drive to the plunger downhole pump. The disadvantage of the rod downhole pumping unit is the cyclic nature of its operation with a short cycle period and large asymmetry of loads. The use of long-stroke pumping units with a belt traction unit is promising. In long-stroke pumping units, the plunger moves in the tubing string and is connected to the ground drive through a belt drive made of a steel belt with a rectangular cross-section. The length of the plunger movement can range from several tens to several hundred metres. The plunger is lifted when the belt is wound on the drum of the unit, and the plunger is lowered under the weight of the plunger and the weighted bottom (column of pump rods). The problem of increasing the overhaul period of a long-stroke pumping unit is associated with the creation of a long, high-strength and durable belt traction body. In the mechanised method of oil production, the most common are rod downhole pump installations, which use rocking machines as a ground drive, and a column of pump rods as a flexible link connecting the drive to the plunger downhole pump. The disadvantage of the rod downhole pumping unit is the cyclic nature of its operation with a short cycle period and large asymmetry of loads. The use of long-stroke pumping units with a belt traction unit is promising. In long-stroke pumping units, the plunger moves in the tubing string and is connected to the ground drive through a belt drive made of a steel belt with a rectangular cross-section. The length of the plunger movement can range from several tens to several hundred metres. The plunger is lifted when the belt is wound on the drum of the unit, and the plunger is lowered under the weight of the plunger and the weighted bottom (column of pump rods). The problem of increasing the overhaul period of a long-stroke pumping unit is associated with the creation of a long, high-strength and durable belt traction body.


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How to Cite

Kopei, I. B. (2023). COMPARISON OF THE PARAMETERS OF THE STEEL AND CARBON PLASTIC STRIP DRIVING BODY OF A LONG-STROKE PUMPING INSTALLATION. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (1(54), 12–22.