Modernization of pipeline pumping stations drive


  • V. O. Pirogov Technical Services Department, Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, 40021, Ukraine



pipelines, modernization, pumping station, electric motor, bearing unit, mathematical statistics, tightness


The article considers the problem of domestic pipelines modernization at the stage of construction, operation and repair. The need to replace equipment and purchase a new one has been proved. Modernization involves the replacement of pumping and power equipment at pumping stations (PS). It is shown that in almost all irrigation methods involved PS, consisting mainly of centrifugal pumps, couplings and electric motors, increasing the reliability and durability of which is an urgent task. The design and operating conditions of domestic manufacturers pumping equipment are considered. The analysis of reliability and durability of pump units is carried out. The influence of various factors on the pumping units reliability: seasonality, humidity, contamination with abrasive particles and corrosion of the working process and environment has been established. On the basis of mathematical statistical research it was substantiated that the reliability of technological equipment of irrigated agriculture systems depends on the electrical equipment used in them. Analysis of electrical equipment failures showed that the main cause of electric motors failure is breakage of bearing units (BU). The main reason for the breakdown of the BU is the failure of the bearings, which in turn is due to the poor performance of the seals, which are unable to provide complete, almost 100% tightness. It is proposed to solve the problem of increasing the tightness of PS drives BU, due to their modernization, by introducing of magnetic fluid sealants. The features and advantages of the offered seals construction are shown. The main advantage of magnetic fluid seals is the ability to provide almost complete 100% sealing. At the same time, the proposed design of magnetic fluid sealants does not require significant investment in the modernization of pumping equipment and provides a significant increase in its reliability and durability. The proposed technical solution can be used not only for the modernization of existing pipelines, but also in the design and construction of new ones.


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How to Cite

Pirogov, V. O. (2022). Modernization of pipeline pumping stations drive. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (1(52), 50–56.