Modeling of a gas vertical grid separator
coagulator, drip trap, separator, simulation modeling, three-dimensional modelAbstract
Before transportation the gas produced at gas fields is necessarily pre-treated. For this purpose gas separators are used, the quality of marketable products depends on their efficiency. There are many separators of different designs, but usually they consist of sections, which differ from each other by design features. The efficiency of gas separation depends on the internal devices of the separators, such as: inlet baffles, breakwaters, defoamer, drift eliminators, drift eliminators, anti-vortexers. Even though a vertical gas separator has 99% efficiency, the distribution of gas movement in it remains interesting, especially in such critical elements as a coalescer and a droplet eliminator. Computer simulation programs were purchased for designing various equipment, including oil and gas mass use. Such programs besides development of technical documentation (drawings, specifications, graphs, etc.) give an opportunity to investigate equipment (to determine its stress-strain state, to predict durability, to model behavior of hydrogasdynamic flows, etc.). Performance of simulation modeling of constructed three-dimensional model of separator allowed to reveal design drawbacks, namely uneven distribution of gas velocity in coagulator and droplet separator. Therefore, in order to increase efficiency it was suggested to install a reflector, spherical or conical, in the separator body. Comparison of obtained results of simulation allowed to establish that using of spherical reflector in separator design in comparison with using of conical one creates more uniform movement of gas flow through the droplet eliminator
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