Analysis of the possibility of improving 3D - printing of rotating elements by FDM
3D printer, 3D printing, FDM, FDM method, rotating axis, 3D printer upgrade, Anet A8 printerAbstract
Rapid prototyping techniques represent new areas in the development of manufacturing processes. Their widespread use allows you to eliminate design errors or reduce the cost of production. One of the methods of rapid prototyping is additive manufacturing technologies of products, an example of which is 3D printing.
3D printing of parts is a relatively new technology for manufacturing machine parts, but it is rapidly developing. This technology is used in almost all industries, and an increasing number of methods and solutions for making printers are helping to improve the accuracy and quality of the products.
There are many different 3D printing technologies on the market today. However, the most popular is FDM printing, the principle of which is to extrude a thermoplastic material through a heated nozzle. Printers of this type have an extruder that contains a heated filament and moves simultaneously relative to the axis of the Cartesian system. However, as a result of this process, products are created, the rounded shapes of which are characterized by low accuracy.
In order to improve the accuracy of manufacturing rounded shapes of products, an innovative solution is proposed that is not used anywhere and is the subject of a research article. It consists in upgrading a serially produced 3D printer. For this, the traditional Anet A8 3D printer was modernized. Its design includes a rotating axle held by a drill chuck. Also for this printer, the required stepper motor was selected to drive the rotation of the axis. Also, by installing additional elements, the rigidity of the 3D printer structure is increased. All of these measures are intended to improve the accuracy of manufacturing products such as shafts or discs.
Test printing of "roller" type products was carried out, according to the results of the analysis of which the printing parameters were established, on which the quality of the obtained surfaces depends.
The disadvantages of the proposed printing method, possible ways to eliminate them are also given, and further development plans are described.
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