Research of technology of parameters of manufacturing of the reinforced teeth of cones of drill bits


  • I. O. Shuliar Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • V. V. Kustov Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • L. O. Borushchak Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • A. B. Virstiuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



centrifugal reinforcement, durability, wear, chisel, mathematical model, factors


The increase in oil and gas drilling is closely linked to the use of high-performance, reliable and durable cone drill bits equipped with solid teeth or plug-in, reinforced wear-resistant materials. The decisive factor influencing the technical and economic efficiency of the process of drilling rocks, where oil and gas deposits occur, is the wear resistance of rock-destroying elements of chisels, made in the form of plug-in teeth and made together with the cone body. In this work, based on the results of drill bits design and manufacturing technologies, cones equipped with plug-in teeth formed by centrifugal reinforcement by hard alloys with rotation around two mutually perpendicular axes are selected for evaluation. The research was conducted on the developed stand. According to the results of experiments, a mathematical model was obtained that describes the influence of technological factors on the optimization parameter - the amount of tooth wear. As factors influencing the efficiency of the use of reinforced teeth were taken: Х1 - pouring temperature of steel, 0С; Х2 - the amount of introduced hard alloy, g; Х3 - frequency of rotation of the mold around the vertical axis, min-1; Х4 - the frequency of rotation of the mold around the horizontal axis, min-1. Their basic level and limits of variation of the upper and lower are established. The full factorial experiment 24 was used in the work. The plan of the experiment was made. In accordance with the selected plan, 16 active experiments were performed, and each experiment was repeated three times. Next, a mathematical model and a regression equation describing it are constructed. The degree of influence of process factors on the amount of abrasive wear of teeth and their optimal values is established.



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How to Cite

Shuliar, I. O., Kustov, V. V., Borushchak, L. O., & Virstiuk, A. B. (2021). Research of technology of parameters of manufacturing of the reinforced teeth of cones of drill bits. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (2(51), 23–31.