Output parameters at development and production stage of a product in its life cycle
Life Cycle of a Product, Development and Production Stage of a Product, Technological Process, Technological Preparation, Functionally-Oriented Principle, Formation SystemAbstract
The priority of research into modern information systems for controlling technological processes of product manufacturing and their introduction into the practice of machine-building enterprises is established. Described the object-oriented and functionally-oriented principles of designing technological processes in the manufacture of machine parts and the area of their effective use. Algorithms of initial product parameters formation when implementing object-oriented and function-oriented principles of technological processes design are analyzed. A generalized algorithm of a CAF-system functioning in the structure of an integrated design-engineering preproduction is presented. The conditions of shaping product parameters taking into account the influence of an integrated subsystem of design-engineering preparation of machine-building production and technological subsystems: machine, fixture, tool, workpiece are analyzed. The main provisions of the system approach to the study of the formation of the output parameters of products at the stage of their creation in life cycles during the implementation of function-oriented design principles are formulated. The conditions for the realization of physical processes from the position of the synergetic approach in the study of technical systems are analyzed. A mathematical model for predicting the probability of forming a workpiece blank without defects at the stage of its creation during the implementation of the technological process of product manufacturing was developed. Numerous solutions of the mathematical model are given, which determine the degree of influence of technological subsystems on ensuring output parameters of the product. Using a synergetic approach, the process of forming the initial parameters of the product as a result of interaction between the integrated subsystem of design-engineering preparation of engineering production and technological subsystems: machine, device, tool, workpiece with the provision of quality control parameters of the product using the CAF subsystem and a subsystem of implementation of control operations. Further research will concern the development of algorithms for determining the solutions of mathematical models when designing technological processes for the manufacture of machine parts using a function-oriented design principle while ensuring the regulated quality parameters of their executive surfaces.
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