Comparative experimental studies of the operation process of the inertial planetary mechanism of screw conveyors
experimental stand, braking torque, rotation speed, gear ratio, inertial safety clutch, planned factorial experiment.Abstract
The results of experimental studies of the technological process of the inertial safety clutch for two options and two cases of determining the braking torque of the output shaft: a combination with a reverse and a parasitic gear; combinations without reverse and with parasitic gear; combinations with reverse and without parasitic gear; combinations without reverse and without parasitic gear are given. The functional nature of the change in the brake torque of the output shaft has been investigated. The plan of the factorial experiment was chosen, the limit intervals
or limit levels of variation (initial, or upper and final, or lower limit of change) of each individual input factor were set: the speed of the input shaft of the inertial safety clutch and the gear ratio. A histogram of non-approximated experimental data of the braking torque of the output shaft of the inertial safety clutch is constructed. On the basis of comparisons and analysis of graphical constructions of the diagram of the change in the braking torque of the output shaft of the inertial overload clutch for various combinations, it can be stated that: the process of operation of the inertial overload clutch using the reverse and with the parasitic gear provides a slight increase in the braking torque of the output shaft of the inertial overload clutch in on average by 3%; the process of operation of the inertial overload clutch without the use of reverse and with a parasitic gear practically does not provide an increase in the braking torque of the output shaft of the inertial overload clutch. On the basis of a comparative analysis, reasonably rational parameters of an inertial safety clutch at which its "stop" mode of operation is achieved.
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