Elements to improve theory of roller cutter bit with chisel teeth
tooth, roller cutter, bit, bottomhole, well, rock, oblique impact.Abstract
The article deals with solving the problem of determination in the first approximation of the time of the interaction of tricone bit tooth with the rock and the maximum dynamic impact force. Considered the roller bit teeth are of types Sh and B. The shape of the bottom hole after the previous penetration the rock is adopted as having spherical mounds between paths. It is believed that deformations during the impact of the tooth occur only in the area of the mounds, neglecting the masses of the rock material being deformed. The concept of the consolidated mass of the part of the rock, which is disintegrated and sections of the mass of the drill string with a roller bit is introduced. Separate consideration is given to determining the time and maximum impact force at the stages of sinking the rock and the raising of the tooth from it. In raising the plastic deformation of the material of the rock and its elastic return are taken into account. The determination of these parameters is carried out both without considering the moment of inertia of the roller bit, as well as taking into account this moment. It is shown that during the oblique impact of the tooth on the mound, taking into account the moment of inertia of the roller bit, it is necessary to know the coefficient of friction of the rocks over the tooth and the initial acceleration of the roller bit. In this case, the normal and the tangential component of the force of the specified impact of the tooth on the mound is considered separately. Were suggested analytical dependences for determination of the normal and tangent component of the shock interaction force module, as well as their maximum value.
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