Simulation of BHA sticking elimination effectiveness using jarring devices


  • V. M. Charkovskyi IFNTUOG, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk, Karpatska St. 15
  • M. М. Slepko IFNTUOG, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk, Karpatska St. 15



sticking, jarring method, Monte-Carlo method, rock strength properties.


A stochastic mathematical model of the jarring device use effectiveness for releasing the stuck BHA was studied based on Monte-Carlo method of probability of the corresponding result. Distribution histograms were designed and the law of sticking force distributionp in various cases was defined. The conditions, when the probability of growth of the restraining force is unacceptably high were defined. The time of jarring and the number of impacts for probable tool release were defined using queuing theory elements. The results of laboratory research of strength properties of some Precarpathian rocks were given and approach for their accounting as criteria of rock destruction during jarring were proposed.


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How to Cite

Charkovskyi, V. M., & Slepko M. М. (2018). Simulation of BHA sticking elimination effectiveness using jarring devices. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (1(44), 64–71.