Experimental and theoretical estimate of non-uniformity of a drill string rotation by results of wellhead angular velocity and torque measurements
drill string, coefficient of non-uniformity of rotation, torsional oscillations, angular velocity, torque.Abstract
The article focuses on determining the drill string coefficient of non-uniformity of rotation, which is one of the next stages of its dynamic analysis. Friction of distorted parts of the drill string on the well walls and change in the moment of resistance on the bit are the main causes of non-uniformity of its rotation and occurrence of torsional oscillations. The rotation of the drill string wellhead with some non-uniformity occurs under the influence of the alternating torque on the rotor. The task is to determine the coefficients of non-uniformity of rotation and non-uniform torque of the drill string wellhead.
To solve the problem, based on industrial research, the functions of rotation frequency of drill string wellhead and the reduced torque of the rotor, depending on the depth of the well, were analyzed. By numeric approximation of these functions, using polynomial equations of the sixth degree, empirical dependences were established for determining the coefficients of non-uniformity of rotation and torque non-uniformity. The solution of this problem will assist to determine the measure of inertia and kinetic energy of the drill string rotating mass.
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