The emergency hazards during complex gas treatment facility operation
risks, expert method, numerical score, industrial facilityAbstract
The causes of failures at the LNG processing facility objects was analyzed. It was determined that the causes of failures are as follows: defective welding, mechanical damage, internal corrosion and others. The safety management system for the facility operation was developed, taking into account the hazard risk levels and preventive measures. The risk assessment at this enterprise is carried out by an expert method, based on the numerical score regarding the probability of occurrence of a particular type of risk, as well as the degree of its impact on the enterprise. The analysis of the expert method application at this enterprise was performed. The specific features of risk assessment were identified concerning operation of potentially dangerous equipment, involving high pressures, leading to possible failures. The risk analysis and preventive measures at the industrial facility of the complex gas treatment unit was performed.
The use of risk analysis integrated methods will make it possible to assess the hazards and apply preventive measures.
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