Determination of the perspective oil and gas bearing areas in the south-east part of Dnieper-Donetsk avlakogene and the basis of geophysical survey results application
field, area, reservoir rock, oil-gas content, reflective ability of vitrinite, kerogen, depth, porosity, prospects, avlakogene.Abstract
To ensure complete refusal of gas import by Ukraine, it is necessary to pay more attention to the search of
unconventional sources of hydrocarbons and involve the territories previously considered insufficiently promising or unpromising. One of such promising gas-bearing fields is the south-eastern part of the Dniprovo-Donetskyi avlakogene (DDA).
For the allocation of promising oil and gas bearing areas in south-east part of the DDA the author proposed to use the vitrinite reflectivity. For some fields of DDA, the author calculated and developed graphs of vitrinite reflectivity gradient with depth value, the forecast map of the lateral and vertical distribution of the vitrinite reflectivity coefficient at 5 km depth was developed.
According to the research results of geological structure in the south-east part of the DDA, preliminary estimates of kerogen catagenetic maturity were performed concerning generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons, in particular, in avlakogene consolidated fissured rocks.
Determination methods of the organic substance content and prediction of gas-bearing perspective fine-grained clay-silty rocks with a high content of kerogen were considered by the complex of geophysical research methods.
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