Advanced forecast method of energy costs generated by operation of non-oriented configurations of the bottom-hole assembly
drill string, design, force, axis, resistance, wellAbstract
The article deals with the important issue of increasing technical and economic performance and efficiency of oil and gas well drilling by improving facilities and scientific and methodological basis of their design and selection. The influence of non-oriented configurations of the bottom-hole assembly on the drilling trajectory control and generated energy costs were characterized. The international experience issues of design, selection and operation of non-oriented configurations of the bottom-hole assembly with a range of centralizing and supporting elements were analyzed. In addition, the main approaches and techniques used in the design and non-oriented configurations and determining criteria for different tasks of directional drilling were analyzed. The milling process using centralizing and supporting elements of the well wall during rotation and axial movement of non-oriented configurations in the mine opening was studied. The calculation method of energy losses generated by application of non-oriented configurations of the bottom-hole assembly with different amount of centralizing and supporting elements was developed. The milling of well walls using centralizing and supporting elements is considered as nonefficient. The new criterion for selection of the energy-efficient non-oriented configurations of the bottom-hole assembly depending on changes in technical and technological process of the directional well drilling. Based on the calculations, the energy-efficient non-oriented configurations of the bottom-hole assembly were identified.
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